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Location: Big Basin, California, United States

I like shooting a round of golf and scuba diving. My worst job was cleaning fish.

Friday, March 21, 2008

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Tips To Play The Sand Trap

By Lee MacRae

A bunker beside the green is a fearsome place to be. Surprisingly, this is one of the easiest shots to perfect and can actually be an enjoyable part of your golf game. Just learn the proper techniques and apply a few tips and your bunker game will flourish.

There are occasions when it's a good idea to putt out of a bunker, or use the "Texas wedge". The bunker should have firm sand and little or no lip, and there should be a smooth surface between the ball and the edge of the bunker. Address the ball as you would a putt, with the ball in the center of your stance. Swing with the arms and shoulders, but keep the wrists firm and the rest of your body, especially your head, absolutely still. The key is to make solid contact. Be careful not to ground the putter. If you do, you will be penalized.

Here is a simple way of remembering how much to open a blade of your sand wedge. Taken an open stance, with your feet aiming to the left of the hole. Then simply open the clubface until it is aiming directly act of the hole. Now, swing outside-to-in across the ball, and your ball will pop out and bounce and roll slightly to the right, toward the hole.

The delicate explosion shot [where you see a puff of sand and the ball flies to the hole and stops on a dime] is tough to hit consistently. Most attempts see the ball rolling more than expected. So why not anticipate the roll and play for it? The idea is to take the spin out of the shot by hitting even farther behind the ball than usual [three or four inches is recommended] and compensating for the removal of power by making a full swing. Your ball will explode out of the sand but will roll a good three or four yards.

Knowing the basic techniques of bunker sand play and understanding the subtleties of the various problems you can encounter will actually lead you to even enjoy the play from a sand bunker. I'm sure these tips will help you to enjoy your next round of golf.

About the author

Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great beginners golf training aid or a great golf driver today!

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